Virginio Bertone - photographer


Virginio Bertone is a photographer,  a jazz musician, a Chief Planning Officer.  He received a degree in Business Administration, cum laude,  from Luigi Bocconi University in Milan and attended postgraduate studies at MIT in Boston. While at  New York University  he also studied  Contemporary Photography. After returning to Milano, Virginio Bertone  attended a three year program in jazz harmony and improvisation with maestro Filippo Dacco’ at Centro Didattico Musicale.


Impressed by Edward de Bono ‘ s lateral thinking concept Bertone  published his   own textbook about  creativty ( Creatività Aziendale, FrancoAngeli editore, 1993). From 1992 to 2000 he was a Professor in Business Creativity at Luigi Bocconi University and was a lecturer at IED ( European Design Institute).

Bertone wrote  a serie of success stories based on design and business on Ottagono magazine. 


As a photographer Virginio Bertone has  collaborated with  movie director Chris Columbus , Hachette Rusconi, Ducati,, Blue Note and Volcom.


Solo exhibitions:

2000 Reflections , Imago, Monza

2003 Ridefinizioni, Studio dieci, Vercelli

2006 Someone : modelli per caso, Leopardi 13, Milano            

2006 Vamos Bien , Twelve, Milano

2008 Landtraits, BICU Genova

2010 Downshifting , Primo Posto, Milano

2012 Da arte nasce arte, sponsored by Provincia di Milano at IDROART gallery, Milano.


Virginio Bertone photographs have been sold by Sotheby’s since 2008.

© virginio bertone 2013 - powerd by imaginaria